You could always grab a beer for thirst.

“Hiiu Õlle Koda” is the place on Hiiumaa where you can see how a small Estonian brewery operates and experience the authentic local history beer making.

The brewery is simultaneously old and yet new. Housed in a dignified building originally constructed as a grain dryer in 1885, now renovated and used as a tavern and museum, it offers a selection of our products as well as those crafted by the finest artisans from Hiiumaa for tasting and purchasing.

We are very proud of the museum hall where old brewing equipment is showcased. Barrels where beer was stored, mugs, glasses from which beer was enjoyed – each exhibit holds a unique story. No artifact with us is an anonymous relic. We can tell you the tale behind each one. We remember to whom these old tools belonged, who and when savored beer from these mugs, and what kind of chatter accompanied the beer.

On the production side, we showcase the brewing process and the equipment used in a modern small brewery. We explain how brewing today is both different and similar to the practices from a hundred years ago. You’ll learn about the differences in malts, how the beverage gets into the bottle, the capping process, and even get to sniff the hops. For a production tour, please make arrangements with us in advance!

“Hiiu Õlle Koda” is open every day during the summer season. You can eat, you can drink, and you can take some goodies with you. Wander towards the museum, enjoy a Kassari summer evening outdoors, or perhaps complain about the weather.


